
six good reasons for choosing LEISEGANG:

All Leisegang colposcopes are handmade in our company in Berlin, Germany

Convergent Optics

Unlike the parallel optics often found elsewhere on the market, Leisegang offers convergent optics for fatigue-free work.
The advantage of convergent optics is that light beams come together at a working distance of 300 mm, meaning that the eyesdo not have to focus at this distance themselves.

Ergonomic Design

Decades of experience and a sophisticated design contribute to user-friendly handling and slim design.
Ergonomic adjustment drives for height, focus and angle tilting allow exact positioning to millimetric accuracy. Detachable rings for ocular covers enable use of the colposcope with glasses.

LED Lighting

All Leisegang colposcopes are equipped with continuously adjustable white-light LED lighting. A higher light intensity allows a clearly superior contrast, leading to a more precise visual presentation.
Leisegang provides an extremely bright LED spotlight with a lighting strength of 45,000–52,000 Lux at a working distance of 300 mm.

Comfortable Stands

Whether mobile or fixed to an examination chair, Leisegang stands are characterized by an ease of use and a low space requirement.
A slim, sophisticated design provides reliable stability, allowing maximum possible movement for precise positioning.


A Leisegang colposcope is a great investment from a durability point of view, with even lamp replacement being unnecessary. It’s an investment that will pay off.

Integration into IT solutions

Leisegang colposcopes - as a modular systzem - offer entry into digital colposcopy with integration options into existing IT solutions in hospitals and office of doctors in private practice via interface such as DICOM and GDT



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