Cologne Advanced Colposcopy Course, Cologne, 28.04.-29.04.2023
Stralsund Colposcopy Course, Stralsund, 02.06-03.06.2023
Annual Meeting of the Colposcopy Working Group, Stuttgart, 13.09.-16.09.2023
Colposcopy Workshop, Berlin- Schönefeld, 06.10.-07.10.2023
Workshop Colposcopy, Essen, 10.11.2023
World Congress IFCPC, Cartagena, Colombia, 15.11.-18.11.2023
Note on the current corona situation
Due to the current regulations related to the corona virus, the listed events may change at short notice. For up-to-date information, please contact us by phone:
Arab Health
Dubai, VAE, 24.-27.01.2022
FOKO - FBA Training Congress
Düsseldorf, Germany, 10.-12.03.2022
Dresdner Colposcopy course
Dresden, Germany, 18.-19.03.2022
Düsseldorfer Colposcopy course
Düsseldorf, Germany, 20.-21.05.2022
EFC - IX.European Congress
Helsinki, Finland, 10.-11.06.2022
Düsseldorf, Germany, 14.-17.11.2022
Due to the current health situation in connection with the Corona virus, the events enlisted can be canceled or postponed at short notice. For current information you can contact us by phone:
Basic Colposcopy Workshop
Berlin-Schönefeld, 05.-06.03.2021
EFC - European Congress of Colposcopy
Helsinki, Finland, 06.-08.05.2021
Düsseldorf, Germany, 30.05.-01.06.2021
Colposcopy Workshop Tegernsee
Tegernsee, Germany, 17.-19.06.2021
Arab Health 2021
Dubai, UAE,
17. Congress IFCPC - International Federation of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy
New Delhi, India, 01.-05.07.2021
Advanced Colposcopy Workshop
Stralsund, Germany, 13.-14.08.2021
AG CPC - Annual Congress
Berlin, Germany, 16.-18.09.2021
Advanced Colposcopy Workshop
Berlin-Schönefeld, Germany, 01.-02.10.2021
Thüringer Gynäkologentag
Weimar, Germany, 15.-16.10.2021
10. Gynäkologentag Nordrhein
Köln, Germany, 29.-30.10.2021
Düsseldorf, Germany, 15.-18.11.2021
Due to the current health situation in connection with the Corona virus, several events until early June were canceled or postponed until early June. For current information you can contact us by phone:
Arab Health
Dubai, UAE, 27.-30.01.2020
19. Erlangen Colposkopy Workshop
Erlangen, 07.-08.02.2020
Basic Colposcopy Training Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 28.-29.02.2020
2. Dresdner Advanced Colposcopy Training
Dresden, 06.-07.03.2020
FOKO 2020
Düsseldorf, 12.-14.03.2020
Workshop 12. Annual Conference DGKiM
Frankfurt a. M., 20.-21.03.2020
AG CPC Colposcopy Workshop Elisabeth Krankenhaus Essen,
Essen, 25.04.2020
27. EBCOG Congress
Bergen, Norway, 14.-16.05.2020
10. Papenburg Colloquium
Papenburg, 16.-17.05.2020
North German Conference for Cervix Pathology and Colposcopy
Jesteburg, 11.-13.09.2020
17. IFCPC Congress
Hyderaad, India, 01.-04.10.2020
Advanced Colposcopy Training Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, date to be announced
63. Congress DGGG
Munich, 07.-10.10.2020
Düsseldorf, 16.-19.11.2020
Colposcopy training Helios hospital Krefeld
Krefeld, 18.-19.01.2019
23rd Kuwait Annual Obstetrics & Gynecology Conference
Kuwait-City, 03.-06.02.2019
Basic colposcopy training Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 15.-16.02.2019
9. Papenburger Colloquium
Papenburg, 16.-17.03.2019
AG CPC advanced colposcopy training Elisabeth hospital Essen
Essen, 05.-06.04.2019
XXVII. VAAO Symposium
Hamburg, 03.-05.05.2019
11th Annual Conference DGKiM
Lünen, 17.-18.05.2019
Sachsen-Anhaltinischer Gynäkologentag
Wernigerode, 17.-18.05.2019
Advanced colposcopy training Stralsund
Stralsund, 24.-25.05.2019
AG CPC Annual Conference Dresden
Dresden, 19.-21.09.2019
EFC 2019, 8th European Congress of Colposcopy
Rome, 25.-28.09.2019
Advanced colposcopy training Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 25.-26.10.2019
Düsseldorf, 18.-21.11.2019
Basic course Kolposkopie Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 16.-17.02.2018
Colposcopy training for Romanian distributors
Berlin, 21.02.2018
Dresdner Kolposkopiekurs
Dresden, 16.-17.03.2018
Colposcopy training for Vietnamese distributors
Berlin, 19.-21.03.2018
Colposcopy training for Indonesian distributors
Berlin, 16.-17.04.2018
AG-CPC advanced course Elisabeth-Hospital Essen
Essen, 29.-30.06.2018
10. Norddeutsche Tagung für Zervixpathologie und Kolposkopie
Jesteburg, 07.-09.09.2018
Advanced course Kolposkopie Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, October 2018
XXII FIGO World Congress
Rio de Janeiro, 14.-19.10.2018
62. Congress of DGGG
Berlin, 31.10.-03.11.2018
Düsseldorf, 12.-15.11.2018
Arab Health 2017
Dubai, UAE, 30.01.-02.02.2017 (represented by MEDIFA)
Basiskurs Kolposkopie Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 24.-25.02.2017
AG-CPC Fortgeschrittenenkurs Essen
Essen, 17.-18.03.2017
RCOG World Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017
Cape Town, South Africa, 20.-22.03.2017
VAAO Kongress
Münster, 31.03.-02.04.2017
IFCPC World Congress 2017
Orlando, USA, 04.-07.04.2017
Stralsunder Kolposkopiekurs
Stralsund, 19.-20.05.2017
24. Jahrestagung der AG-CPC
Hamburg, 14.-16.09.2017
Fortgeschrittenenkurs Kolposkopie Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 06.-07.10.2017
Düsseldorf, 13.-16.11.2017
Arab Health
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 25.-28.01.2016
Basiskurs Kolposkopie Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 19.-20.02.2016
Düsseldorf, 02.-05.03.2016
BSCCP Annual Conference
Bradford, UK, 13.-15.04.2016
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 17.-20.05.2016
Workshop Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Essen
Essen, 20.-21.05.2016
RCOG World Congress of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Birmingham, UK, 20.-22.06.2016
SOGESP XXI Ista Congress
Sao Paulo, Brazil, 25.-27.08.2016
9. Norddeutsche Tagung für Zervixpathologie und Kolposkopie
Jesteburg, 09.-11.09.2016
Rotenburger Gespräche
Rotenburg an der Fulda, 16.-17.09.2016
61. Kongress der DGGG
Stuttgart, 19.-22.10.2016
Gynäkologentag Nordrhein
Köln, 04.-05.11.2016
Düsseldorf, 14.-17.11.2016
Arab Health
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 26.-29.01.2015
Basic colposcopy workshop Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 13.-14.02.2015
Düsseldorf, 05.-07.03.2015
BSCCP Annual Conference
Nottingham, UK, 15.-17.04.2015
Stralsunder Kolposkopiekurs
Stralsund, 17.-18.04.2015
Advanced colposcopy workshop Schönefeld
Berlin-Schönefeld, 02.-03.10.2015
Düsseldorf, 16.-19.11.2015
Colposcopy workshop Schönefeld
Berlin, 07.-08.02.2014
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Frankfurt/Main
Frankfurt/Main, 14.-15.02.2014
FOKO (Fortbildungskongress der Frauenärztlichen BundesAkademie)
Düsseldorf, 19.-22.02.2014
6th Annual ÄZAD conference (Arbeitsgemeinschaft zytologisch tätiger Ärzte in Deutschland - a work group of German physicians in the field of cytology e.V.)
Cologne, 04.-05.04.2014
Advanced colposcopy workshop
Hamburg, 25.-26.04.2014
Colposcopy workshop Erlangen
Erlangen, 09.-11.05.2014
IFCPC 15th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy
London, UK, 26.-30.05.2014
Norddeutsche Tagung für Zervixpathologie und Kolposkopie Lüneburg (North German conference for cervical pathology and colposcopy)
Lüneburg, 12.-14.09.2014
60th Congress of the German Society for Gynaecology and Obstetrics (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe e.V. - DGGG)
Munich, 08.-11.10.2014
Düsseldorf, 12.-15.11.2014